Samuel von Brukenthal și colecția de artă italiană în Hermannstadt Sibiu
Samuel von Brukenthal și colecția de artă italiană în Hermannstadt Sibiu
Irina Niculescu
Jurnalist independent de artă și cultură și editor, Piemont, Italia
The book reviewed is an original volume recently published in Italy about the figure of the baron Samuel von Brukenthal and his Italian arts collection in Sibiu, particularly with details about the Longhi assignments for the exhibits in Brukenthal Museum, which were discovered during the research of the author. Doina Ene accomplished a thorough research from 2017 till 2021 in the State Archives of Sibiu, at the “Casa Teutsch” Center of Dialogue and Culture, the Foundation of Art History Roberto Longhi in Florence, Carabinieri Command TPC and other archives. The volume benefits from the Foreword of the general manager of the Brukenthal National Museum, Dr. Alexandru Constantin Chituță, and the Introduction of the Phd Daniela Dâmboiu, expert and art curator of the Museum. The book contains seven chapters and 110 images of great importance and copyright. The Italian version of this publication has just been successfully released in May at the International Book Fair of Turin (Italy).
Cuvinte cheie:
Brukenthal National Museum, Italian arts collection, Casa Teutsch, Roberto Longhi Foundation, Rediviva Edizioni
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Niculescu, Irina. 2024. “Samuel von Brukenthal și colecția de artă italiană în Hermannstadt Sibiu” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 169-174. [DOI:]
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