Muzeu pentru Mileniul III
Muzeu pentru Mileniul III
Oana-Alexandra Chirilă
Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Maramureș, Baia Mare
In times when we are progressively trying to configure museum models focusing on the relationship with the public rather than the object, this article revisits two concepts that could prove useful in our endeavours: ‘third place’, stemming from urban planning and sociology, and ‘third space’, as defined by critical theory. Framing the museum as a ‘third place’ and a ‘third space’ at the same time, I posit, could help us not only to solidify our visitors’ pool but also to contribute substantially to the social health of our respective communities.
Cuvinte cheie:
museum, third place, third space, gathering, relationship, community.
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Chirilă, Oana-Alexandra. 2024. “Muzeu pentru Mileniul III” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 129-134. [DOI:]
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