Shades of Darkness: Politics, Objects, and Displays in Sighet’s Dark Heritage Sites
Shades of Darkness: Politics, Objects, and Displays in Sighet’s Dark Heritage Sites
Teodora Lazar
Senior Researcher, BOP Consulting, London
This article explores the interpretation and communication of dark heritage in Sighetu Marmației, focusing on three sites: the Memorial of the Victims of Communism and Anti-Communist Resistance, Pauper’s Cemetery, and the Elie Wiesel Memorial House. We argue that these sites convey Romania’s dark heritage by being associated with events and histories of troubled pasts, namely the Communist oppression and the Holocaust. The analysis addresses how and to what extent objects, politics, and spatiality contribute to the making of a sense of darkness identified in these sites. The article argues that the darkness of these sites is shaped not only by their histories, but also by the narratives constructed around them through the museum exhibits and curation. The study reveals that while these sites aim to educate and memorialise, they also navigate complex political and social dynamics, influencing how their dark heritage is presented and perceived.
Cuvinte cheie:
dark heritage, Sighet, Communism, Holocaust, memorial museum, objects, exhibits, displays.
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Lazar, Teodora. 2024. “Shades of Darkness: Politics, Objects, and Displays in Sighet’s Dark Heritage Sites” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 91-106. [DOI:]
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