Relevanța rolului educatorului muzeal
Relevanța rolului educatorului muzeal
Sorin-Mihai Constantinescu
Promotor cultural independent
The position of a museum educator is evolving among the team of experts that any museum recruits in order to fully utilize their potential resources. This essay underlines the fact that today’s museum educator is called not only to use his expertise in doing his multidisciplinary duties, but also to take them to the extent where the public experience unique feelings and sensations that are beneficial to the inclusion of museum culture. We intend to trace the turning points of the progress of museum education and the position of museum educator, examining the key aspects of the strategies and approaches they rely on in their work. Highlighting the benefits and new objectives of museum education, we hope to outline the various aspects of the museum educator who, based upon his robust interdisciplinary training, supplies his colleagues with a thorough example of an effective practitioner while also adding value to the museum institution in which they work. The paper examines how museum educators fulfill their role as cultural promoters and mediators, balancing social objectives, public needs, and heritage values. Furthermore, examining the expansion of the conceptual scope of museum education, the paper provides special emphasis on the influence of new technologies on museum education activities. By showing that they are able to respond to future challenges in this plan as well, we draw the conclusion that the museum educator is able to fulfill a vital task for the museum institution and, in the future, their role will gain even greater importance. Naturally, we would like to strengthen our approach with further research.
Cuvinte cheie:
museum educator, museum education, museum technology, museum education technology, active learning, Do-It-Yourself Method, civic wellness.
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Constantinescu, Sorin-Mihai. 2024. “Relevanța rolului educatorului muzeal” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 65-90. [DOI:]
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