Museums and Community; Bridging the Gap between the Museum and its Audiences through Research & Education

Museums and Community; Bridging the Gap between the Museum and its Audiences through Research & Education

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Winani Thebele

Director/Chief Curator
Winza Heritage Logistics (PhD)
(Transcending Cultural Boundaries)




The above theme chosen by the Romanian Journal of Museums, together with the theme for International Museums Day for 2024 (Museums, Education and Research) are clearly embedded in the ICOM definition for museums, which emphasises the educational role of the museum and its dynamic relationship with society. Museums offer a captivating preview into our collective heritage, making them indispensable places for learning, inspiration, and wonder. This also talks about a museum whose doors are open to all sectors of the society. It serves society through “community education”, entertainment and as a platform for discussions, performances, showcasing talents and celebrating culture. It covers different activities that allow individuals and the community to make positive changes in their own lives, through education, personal development, self-awareness and pride. The museum, therefore, becomes a community centre with a participatory approach and also an ecological centre focusing on science and research. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate this evolutionary and diverse nature of the museum through its key functions in society. My paper also seeks to establish how much the museum has truly established itself as a dynamic tool for education and research. What learning and research activities serve to bridge the gap between museums and their audiences? The article uses case studies from Botswana and Malawi to authenticate and support its arguments.

Cuvinte cheie:

Platform, Participatory approach, Community education, Community centre, Dynamic, Inclusive, Best practice, Contemporary, Bridging the gap.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Thebele, Winani. 2024. “Museums and Community; Bridging the Gap between the Museum and its Audiences through Research & Education” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 53-64. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2024


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