Muzeul, un posibil vector formativ în domeniul industriilor creative. Studiu de caz: ROM(a)NOR Interferences

Muzeul, un posibil vector formativ în domeniul industriilor creative. Studiu de caz: ROM(a)NOR Interferences

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Rareș Ioan Dina

director administrativ
Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti”
coordonator al Secției Expoziția permanentă în aer liber

Corina Dina





In recent years, the connection between creativity, culture, innovation, and economic growth has become an essential focus of cultural policies in Romania and the European Union. The expectations and preferences of cultural consumers have evolved over the last 30 years, leading museums to adapt their strategies. It has become necessary for museums to diversify and expand their offers by emphasizing collective experiences, integrating participatory elements, highlighting educational roles, and preserving cultural identities. The „Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum has adopted this vision to become an influential educational entity promoting well-being. As part of this effort, the museum implemented the ROM(a)NOR Interferences project, supported by the EEA Grants 2014-2021 under the RO-Culture Program. This project aimed to promote and revitalize the cultural heritage of the Roma ethnic group through museology and social inclusion, with the goal of improving the situation of the Roma population. Among the project’s initiatives were seven training and initiation courses in creative industries and entrepreneurship, in which 140 Roma individuals participated. These courses included training in artisan skills such as metalworking, floristry, woodworking, weaving, jewelry making, and entrepreneurship.

Cuvinte cheie:

museum education, traditional crafts, artisan skills, Roma minority, creative industries, cultural entrepreneurship.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Dina, Rareș Ioan și Dina, Corina. 2024. “Muzeul, un posibil vector formativ în domeniul industriilor creative. Studiu de caz: ROM(a)NOR Interferences” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 37-52. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2024


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