Muzeele universitare ca instituții educaționale

Muzeele universitare ca instituții educaționale

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Dr. Claudia Popescu

Centrul Expozițional Documentar al Universității
de Arhitectură și Urbanism Ion Mincu, București,




The modernisation of Romanian museums depends to a large extent on the modernisation of Romanian education. How do Romanian museums relate to the ideas of interpretation and participation? Museum education is the beginning of a journey, it is not just a delivery of information, it is the triggering of a process of questioning, experimentation and self-construction. Museum education needs to contain emotional elements and be tailored to the needs of visitors, especially the disadvantaged (from rural or low-income communities). Reflections on museum education in the School of Architecture Museum: guided tours for school children participating in the „De-a arhitectura” exhibition, a project for the education of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds around Sibiu, funded by CNFIS and the summer school in Dealu Frumos for architecture students.

Cuvinte cheie:

Communication, Museums, University Museums, Education, Participatory Museum, Interpretation.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Popescu, Claudia. 2024. “Muzeele universitare ca instituții educaționale” Revista Muzeelor 1/2024: 25-36. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2024


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