M. H. Maxy: de la avangardă la socialism
M. H. Maxy: de la avangardă la socialism
Ioana-Cristina Spiridon
evaluator de bunuri culturale mobile, istoric de artă,
director-adjunct al Departamentului de Evaluare al casei de licitații Artmark,
asistent-curator al expozițiilor Pavilionului Muzeal din cadrul Art Safari,
„M. H. Maxy: from avant-garde to socialism”, opened on the 28th of December 2023 at the Romanian National Museum of Art, uses a chronological line of events to bring up to date the image of Max Herman Maxy (1895 – 1971), seen as a leading artist with a significant role in the Romanian Avant-garde, but also as the first director of the Romanian National Museum of Art. Subsequently, his contribution to the development of the national art scene can’t be denied in art history. Furthermore, the opening was carefully chosen to mark a symbolic anniversary of 145 years since the first Romanian Jew obtained his citizenship, therefore enhancing the role that the Jew community had in the bloom and spread of the Avant-garde in Europe. The exhibition has a tacit dialogue to the main artistic events which celebrate Timișoara as The Cultural Capital of Europe 2023, the retrospectives dedicated to Victor Brauner and Constantin Brâncuși, suggesting the main artistic pillars in the dawn of Modern Romania.
Cuvinte cheie:
Avant-garde, Romanian National Museum of Art, Jew community, Modern Romania, socialism, artist
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Spiridon, Ioana-Cristina. 2023. “M. H. Maxy: de la avangardă la socialism” Revista Muzeelor 1/2023: 217-224. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.61789/rm.2023.13]
Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2023
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