Deschiderea patrimoniului către beneficiarii cu dizabilități cognitive. Studiu de caz – Muzeul Hărților din București
Deschiderea patrimoniului către beneficiarii cu dizabilități cognitive. Studiu de caz – Muzeul Hărților din București
Ioana Zamfir
Muzeul Național al Hărților și Cărții Vechi
The theme of well-being and health through culture, heritage, and museums is already established in the European museum world, as evidenced by the fact that the International Council of Museums (ICOM) has proposed this theme as the objective for the year 2023. It is only natural, therefore, that at the national level, the subject generates discussions and interest. In this article, we aim to provide a case study regarding how this generous theme has been approached within a cultural institution in Bucharest. A small museum, but one that aims to constantly evolve, the Maps Museum has initiated a project in order to explore the impact of heritage on individuals with cognitive disabilities. An insight into this endeavour might be useful for other small but enterprising museums, by showcasing the developmental journey of the idea as well as the challenges encountered.
Cuvinte cheie:
museums, well-being, heritage, cognitive disabilities, mental health.
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Zamfir, Ioana. 2023. „Deschiderea patrimoniului către beneficiarii cu dizabilități cognitive. Studiu de caz – Muzeul Hărților din București” Revista Muzeelor 1/2023: 51-60. [DOI:]
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