Imagine prospectivă a unei contribuții muzeale la regenerarea urbană prin cultură

Imagine prospectivă a unei contribuții muzeale la regenerarea urbană prin cultură

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Sorin-Mihai Constantinescu

promotor cultural (freelancer)




The subject of this paper is still not enough explored, not only from the perspective of museum research but also from that of studies belonging to other fields that take into account the need to integrate culture in urban regeneration. Because this topic is current and relevant for the multitude of cultural and social forms in which the museum institution could become a lasting pillar, we believe that our attempt will allow us to sketch an integrative project from which to extract some useful considerations for future research. The conclusions that emerge from positioning the National Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest (MNLR), more precisely its cultural hub located in a disadvantaged area, in the epicenter of urban regeneration through culture of the adjacent area, will hopefully be compelling enough to support a cultural axis. Especially since the targeted area (although it has a rich local cultural heritage, which deserves to be capitalized and whose historical memory must be preserved) does not yet experience the long-awaited revival, MNLR – as already demonstrated – can become a crucial actor, together with partners from civil society, in drawing a new cultural axis in the Romanian capital. This could contribute to the transformation of a physically degraded area with precarious living conditions into an engine for integrating culture into the daily concerns of as many fellow citizens as possible, and not only those belonging to the local community. After all, any attempt to achieve a prospective approach focused on the museum institution only validates the generous and mobilizing slogan of ICOM: “Museums have no borders, they have a network”.

Cuvinte cheie:

Urban Regeneration; Culture-led Urban Regeneration; Urban Renewal; The Bilbao Effect; Gentrification; Solidarity City; Creative Class.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Constantinescu, Sorin-Mihai. 2022. “Imagine prospectivă a unei contribuții muzeale la regenerarea urbană prin cultură” Revista Muzeelor 1/2022: 62-82. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2022


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