Provocări în oferta culturală a muzeelor din România: tururile virtuale
Provocări în oferta culturală a muzeelor din România: tururile virtuale
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Ana-Maria Pop
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Geografie, Centrul de Geografie Regională,
Tania Someșfălean
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Geografie, Centrul de Geografie Regională,
Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Geografie, Centrul de Geografie Regională,
Alexandra-Camelia Marian-Potra
Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Facultatea de Chimie, Biologie, Geografie, Departamentul de Geografie,
The mobility restrictions and the cessation of activities in physical locations, a general framework generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, determined for the majority of the population a reconfiguration of the way of spending their work and their leisure. At the same time, the digitalisation incentives promoted by all relevant stakeholders, whether by national authorities or by public or private institutions, have taken their place in the lives of citizens. The cultural sector, especially museums, has adapted and the cultural offer has been folded on the new challenges. The present material highlights, particularly for Romania, the digital museum offer in the form of virtual tours, accelerated by this current health crisis, corroborated with immersive initiatives in some museums, predominantly abroad, where the appetite for emerging technologies was felt as a need for public diversification even before the pandemic.
Cuvinte cheie:
virtual reality; augmented reality; museums; Romania; digitalization.
Cum puteți cita articolul:
Pop, Tania et. al. 2022. “Provocări în oferta culturală a muzeelor din România: tururile virtuale” Revista Muzeelor 1/2022: 52-61. [DOI:]
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