Modurile în care noile tehnologii schimbă muzeele și spațiile de consum cultural

Modurile în care noile tehnologii schimbă muzeele și spațiile de consum cultural

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Mihaela Ion

Manager cultural Asociaţia Atelierul de Creaţie,
fondator conferinţele online Creative Night Talks,
curator independent,,




New technologies have started to be used in museums and other cultural consumption venues, and the online marketing notion of “phygital” is becoming more and more integrated into the art world transforming an exhibition or a museum. The main factors that have led to the digitalization of art exhibitions and a mandatory presence in the online environment, especially on social media, were the pandemic and the recurring lockdowns that turned our daily life into an online daily life. New technologies are transforming the way we interact with a work of art or an exhibition and how we deliver contemporary value judgments. The new curatorial practices and the organizational practices of an exhibition adapt to the requirements of a public eager for technological and artistic novelty. Through the examples used in the article, I highlight how new technologies transform and retransform the notions of art/non-art.

Cuvinte cheie:

museum; art gallery; immersive experience; viewing room; new technologies; phygital; cultural marketing.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Ion, Mihaela. 2022. “Modurile în care noile tehnologii schimbă muzeele și spațiile de consum cultural” Revista Muzeelor 1/2022: 40-51. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2022


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