Muzeele în proiectul Codului patrimoniului cultural

Muzeele în proiectul Codului patrimoniului cultural

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Alis Vasile

Specialist independent




The paper refers to the current legislation drafting on cultural heritage in Romania, with a view to the amendments regarding museums and public collections. It debates both on the positive and the negative stipulations in the draft Code of Cultural Heritage, published by the Romanian Ministry of Culture early in 2022. The main subjects presented in the paper are: the revision of the definition of national movable cultural heritage, stating that all cultural goods are subject to legal protection, the emphasis on the public interest in protecting the cultural heritage as well as new and needed clarifications on the public property legal regime of cultural goods in the public domain, new centralized inventories and registries, new procedures regarding the classification as ”National Treasury” and the new ex lege general protection regime for public collections, accredited museums and religious institutions, new obligations regarding the strategic planning of museum collections management and accessibility for the public.

Cuvinte cheie:

museum; law; legislation; cultural heritage; draft law; code of cultual heritage; cultural policy; Romania.

Cum puteți cita articolul:

Vasile, Alis. 2022. “Muzeele în proiectul Codului patrimoniului cultural” Revista Muzeelor 1/2022: 23-39. [DOI:]

Înapoi la Revista Muzeelor 1/2022


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