E-commerce of cultural goods [2013]



This study contains data and information on the e-commerce of cultural goods.

 Besides the general data related to the main characteristics, benefits and difficulties of the online commerce, the study approaches features of the e-commerce in Romania. The interviews with representatives of the field and the analysed data of similar studies show issues regarding the insufficiently-developed current legislation in this field, the strategies of the online shops, the consumption behaviour and the purchase practices of people who buy cultural goods on the Internet.

For the buyers, the benefits of purchasing cultural goods via the e-commerce pertain to the possibility of choosing from a wide range of products, the low prices and the access to some products which are difficult to buy through the traditional commerce. For the e-shops owners, the benefits consist in the possibility of attracting new buyers, the more efficient advertising of the products, the improvement of services, the diversification of the product range and the consolidation of their notoriety, the adaptation to the real technological needs etc.

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