Study regarding the Situation of Museums in Romania [2008]

The study regarding the situation of museums was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Culture and Cults with a view to drawing-up and submitting a strategic project at national level, through the Unit of Project Implementation, for the personnel employed in the museums of Romania.
For this analysis, we gathered a series of data on the situation of museums from several studies conducted by the Centre for Studies and Research in the Field of Culture. The results of these studies show that, as regards the situation of museums and visitors at European level, in 2005 Romania was on the 12thplace – of the 17 countries included in the study – in terms of number of museums per 100 000 inhabitants and on the third-from-last place in terms of “number of visitors”.
As far as the regional differences are concerned, in the North and Centre there are the most numerous museums, while in the South-West the most numerous visitors were recorded. In terms of cultural consumption, the most visited museums are history, ethnography and art museums. The most visited cultural objectives were fortresses, followed by archaeological objectives and churches.