Who? What? How? When? The Analysis of the Cultural Offer in Bucharest [2010]

The study “Who? What? How? When? The Analysis of the Cultural Offer in Bucharest” aimed at figuring an overall image on the cultural actors, the areas, periods and methods of development of cultural events/projects in Bucharest.
The attention was focused on the cultural activity developed by the cultural associations in Bucharest, in 2009, with a view to drawing-up a profile of the organised events.
The available data suggest that the events in the category of concerts, performances or projections, as well as those in the category of festivals and fairs were the most common. As far as the cultural field is concerned, the musical events prevail, followed by those belonging to visual arts, while, within the various events, the most poorly represented cultural field was that of architecture and urbanism.
Most of the cultural events in Bucharest took place in open spaces. The open-air events took place in parks, squares, pedestrian areas, stadiums, streets etc. In terms of period, most of the events in Bucharest took place in spring, while the activity of foundations or associations was uniformly distributed over the whole year.
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