Study on the satisfaction of the participants in the conference Mastering the Music Business
The study had the following objectives: identification of the profile of the participant in the conference Mastering the Music Business, evaluation of the experience of the conference and of participants’ level of satisfaction, as well as the evaluation of the Romanian music industry.

The conference Mastering the Music Business is an annual event addressing the professionals of the Romanian music industry.
Among the themes approached in the presentations, there were the success stories of some independent artists, the methods of monetization via online platforms or advertising campaigns that include artists in the promotion methods. The programme of the conference also included a workshop section, wherein practical themes were approached, related to methods of building a marketing plan, blogging for the artists or how to manage the presence in the social media. The conference ended with a series of showcases, wherein surprise-artists presented their musical products to the audience.
The study had the following objectives: identification of the profile of the participant in the conference Mastering the Music Business, evaluation of the experience of the conference and of participants’ level of satisfaction, as well as the evaluation of the Romanian music industry. The study is based on the analysis of 186 questionnaires filled in by the participants in the period 10-11 July 2017. The questionnaires were distributed to the participants at the moment of their registration and were collected by NIRCT’s volunteers.
The profile of the participants included a large number of young people with an experience of over three years, mainly working in the music industry, mainly artists and freelancers. In their activity there are several music genres involved, particularly rock and pop. The level of satisfaction with the participation in the conference was high, the participants appreciated the set-up, the guests and the themes the latter approached. Moreover, the participants also appreciated the contribution of this conference to their professional development and to the development of the music industry, in general.