2018 Cultural Consumption Barometer. Dynamics of the Cultural Sector in the Year of the Great Union Centenary


In 2018, the Cultural Consumption Barometer aimed to become the objective mirror of the cultural perspectives in the Romanian society.


The dynamics of the cultural sector in 2018 reflected in the Cultural Consumption Barometer is under the sign of the Great Union Centenary celebration. Regardless of the amplitude and quality of the cultural events organised this year, they have marked the cultural life both at local and national level, if only in the public discourse.

In 2018, the Cultural Consumption Barometer aimed to become the objective mirror of the cultural perspectives in the Romanian society, by monitoring the dynamics of the cultural practices and values, either horizontally, on various cultural and creative sectors, or transversally, on common-interest themes.

The study 2018 Cultural Consumption Barometer. Dynamics of the cultural sector in the year of the Great Union Centenary is based on a survey conducted by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy, as operator, in the period September 1st – October 5th 2018, on a national sample of 1,200 persons aged 18 and above. The theoretical error margin at the level of the sample was +/- 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.

The level of the national pride feelings is high, but there is also a critical attitude towards certain negative aspects in the country. This was reflected in the increased level of awareness on the importance of the Great Union Centenary, as well as in a relatively high level of interest and participation in anniversary events.

Although the forms of cultural consumption within the non-public space still have the highest level of frequency, for certain cultural consumption practices within the public space we recorded a slight increase of the frequency in the last two years: watching movies in cinema theatres and participation in music or entertainment shows. Visiting museums or libraries has remained at the same level in the last two years, while the participation in theatre performances has been decreasing.

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  • Assoc. Prof., PhD Carmen Croitoru, PhD Anda Becuţ Marinescu


  • Prof. PhD Dumitru Borţun, Ioana Ceobanu, George Dinu, Veronica Hampu, PhD(c) Iulian Oană, PhD. Ştefania Matei, PhD(c) George Matu

Publishing House

  • Universitară Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019
  • Universul Academic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019
  • ISSN 2393-3062
  • ISBN 978-606-28-1005-4
  • ISBN 978-606-9062-32-6

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