January 17, 2021
New sections on the Culturadata Interactive platform: Register of the Cultural Sector and Inventory of cultural NGOs in Romania
On January 15th, 2021, on the occasion of the National Culture Day, INCFC launched two new sections on the Culturadata Interactiv platform that soon will be available in English. Is about:
→ the results of the registrations in the Cultural Sector Registry
→ results of the study Inventory of cultural NGOs in Romania
The INCFC team considers that this year’s Culture Day is about implementing solutions that contribute to the permanent development of the cultural sector. Therefore, the entire activity was reoriented towards the analysis and research of new trends, which emerged against the background of the effects of the pandemic. The results of the two studies launched represent the starting point for drawing up the solutions that the cultural field needs so much at the moment.
The initiative of the Cultural Sector Registry (CULT Registry) aims at mapping and statistical determination of the sector, at national level. Whether it is individuals (cultural workers), non-governmental organizations or companies with a cultural profile, the Register aims to have a record of cultural entities, both from an administrative point of view (how to organize the activity, difficulties, projects, opportunities), as well as socio-demographic (professions of cultural workers, level of education, geographical location, etc.).
The registration of economic operators in the Registry has been and continues to be essential for a realistic statistical determination of the cultural sector and for assessing the budgetary impact of the state aid scheme to support culture.
A first summary of the results of the Register reads as follows:
→ 1179 cultural NGOs, registered between 17th Nov. – 9th dec. 2020
→ 3135 cultural companies, registered between 17th Nov. – 9th dec. 2020
→ 6606 individuals active in the cultural field, registered between May 10th and December 9th 2020
The second study, Inventory of cultural NGOs in Romania, was conducted out of the desire to complete the efforts of all those who registered in the CULT Registry and actively contributed to a sizing of the cultural sector as true as possible.
The inventory process of cultural NGOs in Romania was based on the collection and processing of data provided by funding sources from non-reimbursable funds addressed to the cultural field. Thus, cultural non-governmental organizations were selected which, in the period 2005-2020, benefited from at least a grant from non-reimbursable funds to carry out a cultural project.
The section dedicated to this study, on Culturadata Interactiv, contains information about: geographical distribution, income and staff, but also the main characteristics depending on the funding sources. From the point of view of the activity currently carried out by the 5299 cultural NGOs included in the study, 3933 of them were identified as fiscal assets.
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