October 8, 2020

EU Heritage: Skills profile for Cultural Heritage Report

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EUHeritage is a transnational project developed under the Erasmus + EU program, and INCFC is one of the partners in this project. 

EU Heritage aims to create a new transnational curriculum for cultural heritage professionals, focusing on digital skills, transferable and transversal skills, socio-cultural skills and skills related to the “tourism experience” in the field of cultural heritage. 

In order to achieve its goal, the EU Heritage Partnership was first concerned with identifying skills and training needs in the cultural sectors through research. 

Thus, EU Heritage partners have developed and made public the Final Report on Cultural Heritage Skills Profile. The current research was carried out as part of the project Skills for promotion, capitalization, exploitation, mediation and interpretation of the European Cultural Heritage. The main purpose of the research was to identify skills and needs in the cultural heritage sector and other related industries, to develop a skills profile of cultural heritage managers and other professionals who are active in promoting, enhancing, exploiting, mediating and interpreting heritage. Another important aim of the research was to present current practices in training programs for heritage professionals and to provide a list of needs for future training programs. Special attention was paid to digital and innovative skills, as well as transversal skills. 

The research was conducted between February and September 2019 and included three main activities: 

  • documentary research; 
  • quantitative research (survey); 
  • qualitative research (interviews with professionals).  


Currently, all EU Heritage partners are working on the structure of training modules for cultural heritage professionals, based on the results of their research. The training modules will be available at the beginning of next year. Until then, follow the Culturadata website and the @culturadata Facebook page for the latest news related to the European EU Heritage project.