April 8, 2020

Culturadata Interactive – Launching The Quarter Culture Section – Monitoring the Cultural Domain in the time of the COVID-19 Crisis

  • News

“Crisis” comes from the Greek krisis which means “turning point” or “decision”. Today we are in this state, generated by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and each one of us is trying to make the best decisions in order to protect oneself, to protect their loved ones, but also protect their habitual activities. A simple observation of the behaviours and actions around us indicates that things are constantly changing, and the need to adapt to the current context is merely a natural instinct.

In the same sense, what is happening with the field of culture during this period is a perfect phenomenon to be investigated and analysed, so INCFC team decided that this is a good opportunity to launch a monitoring of the cultural domain in the online environment, during the COVID-19 crisis.

The idea of ​​this monitoring started from the need to answer the following research questions, focused, on the one hand, on the production / supply of culture and, on the other hand, on the consumption of culture:

  1. How does the production / offer of cultural content adapt to the constraints imposed by the national state of emergency?
  • Models of production adaptation
  • Models of adaptation of the broadcast channels
  1. How does the culture consumer adapt to the constraints imposed by the national state of emergency?
  • How is the demand for cultural products evolving?
  • Methods to support the cultural sector by consumers.

The project follows the relevance of the field of culture in daily life, especially at a time when the general priorities of the population are in the process of reorganization. If, apparently, culture does not fall in the priority areas, the measures taken by public, private institutions, associated and independent artists, as well as by the consumers reveal that the field of culture is of major importance, especially in times of crisis.

It is important to note that this process of monitoring and analysis is intended as a source of information that will be updated periodically in the section dedicated to this topic, within the Culturadata Interactive platform: Culture under quarantine. Thus, you can actively contribute to updating the section with information you have regarding this topic. We are waiting for your comments and messages on the Facebook page and emails at office@culturadata.ro.