Launch of the publication Romanian Journal of Museums no. 1/2019 and the event for the awarding of the finalist photographs entered in the “Patrimoniu100” Contest
December 17th, 2019
The event took place on Tuesday, December 17th, 2019, in the Hall Foyer of the Ministry of Culture (Unirii Boulevard, no. 22, sector 3, Bucharest, the entrance on Mircea Voda Boulevard).

December 17th, 2019
Ministery of Culture (Unirii Bldv. 22)
The National Institute for Cultural Research and Training publishes annually the Romanian Journal of Museums, one of the oldest periodical publications in the Romanian editorial and museum landscape, whose appearance has been constant since 1964.
Recently, the editorial team of the Romanian Journal of Museums has prepared the new issue of the publication, dedicated to the topics: Museums as cultural platforms: the future of tradition, Audience studies and visitor profiles.
At the same time, from September 23rd to October 31st, the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training organized the “Patrimoniu100” photography contest for teams of students (middle school and high school) and teachers, with the theme of real estate objectives. The photography competition was part of the activities of the 2019 edition of the Patrimoniu100. Heritage for the next century project, edition co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN).
In the Competition, over 150 photos have been registered and, in this way, we want to thank all the students and teachers who have responded with much interest and dedication to our enthusiasm!
On November 5th, the list of winners and finalists of the Contest can be found here.
That being said, we thought we would end the year with an event dedicated to both projects. The launch event of the annual publication of the Romanian Journal of Museums and the award ceremony of the finalist photographs in the “Patrimoniu100” Contest took place on Tuesday, December 17th, 2019, in the Great Hall Foyer of the Ministry of Culture (Unirii Boulevard, no. 22, sector 3, Bucharest, entrance on Mircea Voda Boulevard).
The Romanian Journal of Museums is a debate platform for museology, adapted to the new trends in the field. The publication is indexed in the database of international journals EBSCO, which is one of the most important scientific bases at international level, having collaborations with more than 14,000 publishers in the world, a content of 250,000 publications and a search rate within it. over 186 million times a day.
With the resumption of the Patrimoniu100. Heritage for the next century project, made possible by its co-financing by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN), INCFC set out to generate a change of attitude, developing the results obtained in the first stage of the project. The project is addressed to both high school and high school students, as well as their educators – history, geography, fine arts, leading teachers. In order to achieve its objectives, the Patrimoniu100 team has created and published open source educational resources for both teachers and students, which we invite you to consult and download from the indicated sections of the website: (Research report , Workbook for teachers, Workbook for students). The 2019 edition of the project proposed, among the training and information activities, the organization of the Photo Contest for teams of students (high school and high school) and teachers, with the theme of real estate objectives.
Dată și locație
About the event
- Date: December 17th, 2019
- Location: Ministery of Culture (Unirii Bldv. 22)
December 17th, 2019
Ministery of Culture (Unirii Bldv. 22)