Accounting and classification of cultural goods
one module
Refresher course

one module
The program aims to provide the necessary support for the computerized record of the museum collections. The aim is to train the skills necessary for the realization of the computerized records (the DOCPAT program) and the classification of cultural assets in museums.
The objectives of the program are: the application of the legal provisions and the methodology regarding the recording and documentation of cultural assets, the correct preparation of documents/evidence created in the process of registration and management of cultural heritage, the application of legal provisions, the methodology regarding the classification and evaluation of cultural assets, the preparation of correct documents created in the process of evaluation and classification of cultural assets and application of the procedure for establishing the legal categories of cultural heritage for the purpose of classifying cultural assets according to the legislation in effect.
- Certified museographers (graduates of the Bases of Museology program) and employees with attributions in the field of accounting for movable cultural assets.
- Evidence and documentation of patrimony collections;
- Classification of cultural assets;
- Use of databases – general notions;
- Operation in the DOCPAT database of patrimony records;
- Image processing, scanning and processing of photographs in computerized patrimony records.
Trainers: Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Ania Stan, Cosmin Miu
one module