The Cultural Vitality of Cities in Romania – 2018 edition

Societies are in a continuous process of transformation, and this can be observed in concern with each of the basic social institutions, such as: politics, economy, religion, family and education.
The definition of cultural vitality underpinning this report is the one used in the study Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation and Indicators. The authors of the study conceptualise cultural vitality as „as evidence of creating, disseminating, validating, and supporting arts and culture as a dimension of everyday life in communities”. From the viewpoint of this definition, cultural vitality is divided into three dimensions: presence, participation and support.
- PhD Assoc. Prof. Carmen Croitoru, dr. Anda Becuţ Marinescu, PhD (c) Iulian Oană
- PhD (c) Iulian Oană, PhD (c) George Matu, Veronica Hampu, George Dinu
Publishing House
- Universul Academic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019
- Universitară Publishing House, Bucharest, 2019
- ISBN 978-606-9062-23-4
- ISBN 978-606-28-0958-4