Study on the Specialisations / Occupations in Culture – 2016
The research started from the needs determining the activity of public and private organizations, approaching a mixed methodological perspective, by using quantitative as well as qualitative methods.

The study on the specializations / occupations in the field of culture aimed at analyzing the dynamics and evolution of the current occupations that already exist in the cultural and creative sectors, as well as at analyzing the factors influencing this dynamic.
The research started from the needs determining the activity of public and private organizations, approaching a mixed methodological perspective, by using quantitative as well as qualitative methods.
New occupations were identified, together with their related education levels and skills, as well as situations specific to the labour market in the cultural and creative sectors.
The data have shown imbalances in the relation between the skills on the labour market and the employer’s need or demand, which result in adaptation processes, such as re-qualification or ongoing learning.
The study was published in Culturadata Notebooks – Volume 1/2017, Coordinators: Carmen Croitoru, Anda Becuț, ISSN 2537 – 5121, ISSN-L 2537 – 5121, Pro Universitaria Publishing House, 2017