August 30, 2021

Strategic and Coherent Vision for the Cultural Sector

Sectoral Strategy for Culture for 2023-2030. Project co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity (POCA) 2014-2020

  • Projects


The National Institute for Cultural Research and Training (INCFC) has partnered with the Ministry of Culture, represented by the Project Management Unit (PMU), on the Strategic and Coherent Vision for the Cultural Sector project, code MySMIS129541 / code SIPOCA 709, funded by the European Social Fund, “Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020”.

The project is meant to ensure an integrated and coherent vision on the field of culture, aiming at its sustainable development. Thus, the main result will be the substantiation and elaboration of the Sectoral Strategy for Culture 2023-2030. The realization and adoption of this programmatic document is equivalent to substantiating public policies and draft normative acts, ensuring the coherence of the decision-making act, facilitating collaboration with other economic sectors, substantiating investment policy, and substantiating the granting of European non-reimbursable funds through operational programs, grants and subsidies.

At this moment, we are working on finalising the strategic document and on the dissemination process of its main objectives and directions of action.

The start of the Strategic and Coherent Vision for the Cultural Sector project is equivalent to recognizing the contribution of culture to the sustainable development of Romania, by elaborating and adopting a representative Sectoral Strategy for all individuals involved in Culture.

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We are currently working on finalising the strategic document and on the dissemination process of its main objectives and directions of action.


  • increasing the level of training among institutions subordinated to / under the authority of the Ministry of Culture, as well as at the level of decentralized services of the Ministry of Culture (county directorates for culture) on the need and usefulness of evidence-based planning, including practices and mechanisms European level;
  • creating tools capable of underpinning decision-making processes at local level, in order to generate a coherent development framework in the field of culture, including informing local decision-makers about the specificity of cultural management for better coordination of their own networks of public institutions of all categories ( libraries, cultural establishments, performance or concert institutions, museums and memorial houses, heritage sites).


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