Developing Young People Creativity and Creative Potential
The purpose of the Developing Young People Creativity and Creative Potential study was to conduct a preliminary survey among young people in Romania, to identify their cultural consumption habits and the extent of involvement of teenagers in creative activities in the context of a theatre festival dedicated to teenagers.
The purpose of the Developing Young People Creativity and Creative Potential study was to conduct a preliminary survey among young people in Romania, to identify their cultural consumption habits and the extent of involvement of teenagers in creative activities in the context of a theatre festival dedicated to teenagers.
The stake of this study is to gather data from young people participating to the theatre festival and from the people specialized in working with young people, and to analyse aspects like youth’s perception about creativity and what being creative means to them, their leisure habits, the extent to which they engage in creative activities and their digital and cultural consumption.
The case study about young participants at the National Youth Theatre Festival Ideo Ideis in Alexandria is part of the broader plan of the INCFC to conduct a national survey on young people aged between 15 and 30 years, to monitor their cultural participation in and their consumption of culture, starting from the premise that adolescence is the age when people define their cultural tastes and preferences, and to identify ways to customize cultural offer to address this particular consumer segment.
The survey data analyzed provide us information about how young people participating in the survey perceive and define the creativity process and about the creative activities they engage or would like to engage in. We have also gathered data about cultural consumption and the leisure habits of the young people surveyed.
The study was published in Culturadata Notebooks – Volume 2 / 2017, Coordinators: Carmen Croitoru, Anda Becuț, ISSN 2537 – 5121, ISSN-L 2537 – 5121, Pro Universitaria Publishing House, 2017.