Culturadata Notebooks – Volume 1 / 2017
The second volume from the Culturadata Notebooks published in 2017 by INCFC contain the studies: The Cultural Vitality of Cities in Romania - 2016 Edition and Study on the Specialisations / Occupations in Culture - 2016
The second volume from the Culturadata Notebooks published in 2017 by INCFC contain the studies: The Cultural Vitality of Cities in Romania – 2016 Edition and Study on the Specialisations / Occupations in Culture – 2016
The analysis of the The Cultural Vitality of Cities in Romania – 2016 edition was carried out by taking into consideration data gathered between 2010 and 2015 for five categories of indicators from 46 cities which we consider the main poles of cultural development or with potential of cultural development, excepting Bucharest which was not included into analysis due to its peculiar character of the level of amenity and cultural services specific to the other cities regarding cultural vitality. The study contains a top of cultural vitality (according to the final index of vitality) for the period between 2010 and 2015, focused on the first 15 cities and also we made separate hierarchies for every category of indices – cultural infrastructure and participation, the budget allocated to the cultural domain, specialized human resources and creative industries. In the top of the cultural vitality there are new cities with a spectacular progress, there are cases when the rise in the top was realized due to a certain category of indices rather than a larger context characterized by strong elements of vitality. It is the case of such cities as Craiova, Satu Mare, Târgu Jiu, Bistrița and Sfântu Gheorghe.
Studiul privind specializările / meseriile din domeniul culturii a avut drept scop analizarea dinamicii și evoluției ocupațiilor deja existente la momentul actual în sectoarele culturale și creative și a factorilor ce influențează această dinamică. Cercetarea a pornit de la nevoile ce determină activitatea organizațiilor publice și private, abordând o perspectivă metodologică mixtă, folosind metode cantitative, cât și calitative. Au fost identificate noi ocupații, cu nivelul de studii şi abilitǎţile aferente, cât și situații specifice pieței de muncă din sectoarele culturale și creative. Datele au indicat dezechilibre în raportul dintre abilităţile existente pe piaţa muncii şi nevoia sau cererea angajatorului, ce conduc la procese de adaptare, de tipul respecializare sau care se înscriu sub demersul de învăţare continuă.
- Carmen Croitoru, Anda Becuț
- The Cultural Vitality of Cities in Romania – 2016 Edition: Ștefania Voicu, Alexandru Dragomir
- Study on the Specialisations / Occupations in Culture – 2016: Adina Manta, Ana Maria Despoiu
Publishing House
- Pro Universitaria,
- Bucharest, 2017
- ISSN 2537 – 5121
- ISSN-L 2537 – 5121